Dr. Vicki Koebernick

Dr. Vicki Koebernick graduated from Northwestern Health Sciences University in 1997 with her Doctorate in Chiropractic and a Bachelor Degree in Human Biology. Prior to studying at Chiropractic School, she attended University of Minnesota, Morris. Dr. Koebernick has been practicing for 23 years. Since she began practicing chiropractic, Dr. Koebernick has kept up to date on many continuing educational classes, ensuring that her patients receive the most comprehensive and advanced chiropractic care. Dr. Koebernick specializes in a variety of Chiropractic techniques to better serve her patients.

Dr. Vicki and her dogs, Maiya and Nihko on a hike in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota.

Some services that Dr. Vicki provides:

1) Traditional Manual Adjusting to help realign the spine and restore optimal nervous system function

2) Cranial Sacral Therapy to help provide total body balance, increased energy flow, and decreased tens ion in the spinal cord and cranium (covering over the brain).

3) Activator Technique. A lower force, gentle technique use to help restore optimum spinal function and decrease pain and other symptoms. Good for those that are sensitive to a manual adjustment such as infants and children, some elderly, and those that have a lower pain tolerance.

4) Muscle Release Technique. Used to help relax muscle spasm and tightness. Recommended with every adjustment to help the adjustment last longer. Also good for breaking up muscle adhesions and scar tissue to increase flexibility of the muscle.  Also great for sprain/strain injuries associated with auto accidents, falls, and sports injuries.

5) Nutritional and Exercise counseling.

6) Lymphatic drainage. Helps in cases of colds and sinus congestion. Also good for people with Fibromyalgia.

7) Extremity treatments. To help with shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, and ankle problems.

8) Hair and Saliva Bioenergenic Nutritional Testing. This non-invasive test is useful for individuals dealing with chronic health concerns and anyone interested in knowing more about how their body is functioning or if they have any food sensitivities.

Our office has a relaxing atmosphere designed to make you feel comfortable. Dr. Vicki's philosophy is to focus on you, as an individual, to provide quality personalized Chiropractic care specific to your health care needs.

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